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Astronomical Backpacker

This idea was born in Venezuela. Motivated by Astronomy and Sciences, we organized multiple activities to promote this knowledge in every corner in Caracas. Unfortunately, the Venezuelan crisis lead to the cessation of activities in Science communication institutions. So, based on the premise that 'Astronomy is a Science without borders', we decided to broaden our horizons and to take Astronomy to other cities and countries in South America. Between 2017 and 2019, we visited 150 cities in 6 countries. For that reason, our goal in 2020 is to continue expanding this horizon to other latitudes or continents to create a network of amateur and professional astronomers.

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Project 2020

Download in the link and know in detail what we have to offer in the communities and places we visit, our routes and next destinations.



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With your voluntary contribution you will be helping the growth and scope of this project that has new goals for this 2020 and many other destinations.

Astronomical backpacker team


Member of the International Planetarium Society and distinguished member of the South America Planetarium Society. 

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Salí de mi país a recorrer el mundo llevando los conocimientos de la astronomía a todas partes, cargando mi mochila y demostrando que


"I left my country to travel the world carrying my backpack and taking astronomical knowledge to everywhere, thus proving that Astronomy is a Science without borders. "

Activities, workshops and talks

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